Interesting! My doctor once told me that most of my physical discomforts/ailments (including obesity) would be greatly improved by getting more sleep. And I need to incorporate the reading for 30 min. I do see that my attention span is horrible since I spend most of my time reading short articles online. I listen to books these days, but it's not the same as sustained, focussed reading.

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If sitting is the new smoking, then sleep is the new ..: Can’t think of a way to complete that analogy, except to say what your doc said— we’d all feel a lot better with sufficient shuteye. As far as attention, I think our phones have wreaked havoc. For some reason, my once robust reading habits have gone down the toilet. Despite endless recommendations from people with excellent taste, I have yet to find a riveting read during the last couple of months. So that 30 minutes of sustained reading is even a challenge for me.

Meanwhile, I guess all we can do is: Keep on truckin’.

Thanks for reading and commenting, Sally.

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Oh, this is great. I am filing away all this information and get exercising!

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My walk-and-talk companion-- I would consider you launched on the journey to good health.

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Good advice. I live next to a large park teeming with wildlife with no human-produced distractions. There are spiritual benefits along with physical gained with regular exercise there. I swear the hawks and crows recognize me!

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How could they not, Doc? I envy you your park. My old place had wooded paths right outside my door. There is nothing like that instant immersion in nature.

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