Fascinating thoughts, Sheila. I haven't had a regular job since 2003. Perhaps I'm semi-retired. Being disciplined enough to freelance, work on a couple of books and contribute to the efforts of a production company (film) tests my ability to keep a schedule.
But, I love to read and your words resonate. How empty life would be without those pages to turn.
Thanks, Doc. Discipline. The word starts with 'd-i' just like 'dirty' does. Discipline is a word I associate with with either scolding or doing sit-ups, neither of which are in my repertoire, but as elusive as discipline is to me, I guess I better try to get onboard.
I love your writing. Happy retirement to you!
You have led such a full and interesting life, dear friend. I would love to read an autobiography someday.
Or at least meet you again for lunch!
Jay, thank you so much. Yes to at least lunch. I will come to you this time!
As with most all of your endeavors I think retirement will be a most interesting and successful pursuit for you Sheila!
Thank you so much! As my colleague Joel used to say, "From your lips to God's ear."
Fascinating thoughts, Sheila. I haven't had a regular job since 2003. Perhaps I'm semi-retired. Being disciplined enough to freelance, work on a couple of books and contribute to the efforts of a production company (film) tests my ability to keep a schedule.
But, I love to read and your words resonate. How empty life would be without those pages to turn.
Thanks, Doc. Discipline. The word starts with 'd-i' just like 'dirty' does. Discipline is a word I associate with with either scolding or doing sit-ups, neither of which are in my repertoire, but as elusive as discipline is to me, I guess I better try to get onboard.
Discipline. It's handy when you feel the need to stop and smell the roses and mix an Old Fashioned.
Indeed. I have to up my discipline game, too, Doc. This sounds an awful lot like work.
Sheila, I love everything about this! Many thanks for the reading while and instead of and etc.
Love your writing and the photo!
Congrats on retirement and homeownership. I hope you love both! I hope you read and write more. I adore your writings, book reviews and YOU!