Dear Sheila- I shared your article with Jacqueline because I loved it and she really loved it too...hit directly home! Thanks for your diligent effort to complete your commitment before the New Year! Love, Carolyn

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Carolyn, you sure know how to make a gal feel good. That's exactly the kind of dopamine dose I need more of.

Substack comments instead of cookies. Amen to that.

Thank you so much for reading, sharing, and commenting on the essay, a trifecta for any Substack writer.

Happy new year and love to you and Joseph.

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we're not hearing enough about Dr. Valter Longo, the legit longevity scientist who invented the 5 day FMD, fasting Mimicking Diet whereby one can gain the benefits of a water only fast but by eating approx. 1/4 - 1.3 normal healthy calories (ZERO protein) get extra benefits.

He is a true published scientist who signed away the business rights to his pre-packaged food program, available to the public, but was originally developed for research for sick people to participate in clinical studies whom would not cooperate with water only fasting.

With all the attention of fasting and autophagy with the famous spike protein it should be his time to shine.

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